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    Low Range CDVI® PASS ™ Antenna AN02RCP with Built-in Receiver

    Reference: F0103000138
    The trigger antenna AN02RCP transmits periodically a trigger signal (with a period of 0,5 - 2,4 Sec) at 125 KHz, with a predefined pattern, that awakes the active cards standing in the detection zone [0,3 - 6 m]. Once awakened, the card, at its turn, sends a signal at 433,92 MHz to the built-in receiver of the antenna. The receiver can activate directly a relay or send out on the bus wiegand the s/n of the tag, that can be managed by a further access control system. The memory of the built-in receiver can hold up to 500 cards. A 10-position rotary switch allows to identify each antenna with a unique number, included in the wiegand protocol ( 26,30 or 44 bits ). Each antenna can even be enabled by an external PIR ( not provided ).
    Produced on Request


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