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    SUPREMA® FaceStation™ 2 Dual (125 KHz + 13.56 MHz) Terminal

    Reference: FS2D
    Suprema FaceStation 2 is a facial recognition terminal that provides extensive access control and presence control functionalities, based on technology and the next-generation Suprema terminal security platform. Thanks to its high memory capacity, FaceStation 2 manages a large number of users. It can store: 30,000 users - 1: 1; 3,000 users - 1: N; 50,000 image records; 5,000,000 text records. RFID (125kHz EM & 13.56Mhz MIFARE, DESFire / EV1, FeliCa, ISO14443A / B, ISO15693), NFC.
    Produced on Request


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