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    Products 683
    HID® iCLASS™ SE R40 Reader (Pigtail) [920NTNNEK00000]
    HID® iCLASS™ SE R40 Reader (Pigtail)
    Ref.: 920NTNNEK00000
    Contactless smart card reader. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™. Exact configuration: RDR, R40, ICLASS, SE REV E, NO PROX, STD, WIEGAND, PIG, BLK, STD 1 SECURITY, LED RED, FLASH GRN, BZR ON, IPM OFF, 32 BIT. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® SEOS™ R15 Mobile Reader - Generic [910NB]
    HID® SEOS™ R15 Mobile Reader - Generic
    Ref.: 910NB
    Contactless smart card reader. Finished reader, mullion. Also interoperable with 13.56 MHz Seos™ technology, including NFC + BLE mobile devices utilizing Seos™. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® SEOS™ R10 Mobile Reader [900NBNNEKE000]
    HID® SEOS™ R10 Mobile Reader
    Ref.: 900NBNNEKE000
    Contactless smart card reader. Finished reader, mini-mullion. Also interoperable with 13.56 MHz Seos™ technology, including NFC + BLE mobile devices utilizing Seos™. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® iCLASS™ SE R10 Reader (Pigtail) [900NTNNEK00000]
    HID® iCLASS™ SE R10 Reader (Pigtail)
    Ref.: 900NTNNEK00000
    Contactless smart card reader. Finished reader, mini-mullion. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™. Exact configuration: RDR, R10, ICLASS, SE REV E, NO PROX, STD, WIEGAND, PIG, BLK, STD 1 SECURITY, LED RED, FLASH GRN, BZR ON, IPM OFF, 32 BIT. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RLK40 Mobile (27 bits) - Generic [921LM-27]
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RLK40 Mobile (27 bits) - Generic
    Ref.: 921LM-27
    Contactless smart card reader with keypad and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 26 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RLK40 Mobile (26 bits) - Generic [921LM-26]
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RLK40 Mobile (26 bits) - Generic
    Ref.: 921LM-26
    Contactless smart card reader with keypad and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 27 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL40 Mobile Reader (27 bits) - Generic [920LM-27]
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL40 Mobile Reader (27 bits) - Generic
    Ref.: 920LM-27
    Contactless smart card reader and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 27 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL40 Mobile Reader (26 bits) - Generic [920LM-26]
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL40 Mobile Reader (26 bits) - Generic
    Ref.: 920LM-26
    Contactless smart card reader and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 26 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL15 Mobile Reader (27 bits) - Generic [910LM-27]
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL15 Mobile Reader (27 bits) - Generic
    Ref.: 910LM-27
    Contactless smart card reader and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, mullion. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 27 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL15 Mobile Reader (26 bits) - Generic [910LM-26]
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL15 Mobile Reader (26 bits) - Generic
    Ref.: 910LM-26
    Contactless smart card reader and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, mullion. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 26 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL10 Mobile (27 bits) [900LM-27]
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL10 Mobile (27 bits)
    Ref.: 900LM-27
    Contactless smart card reader and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, mini-mullion. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 27 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL10 Mobile (26 bits) [900LM-26]
    Lector INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RL10 Mobile (26 bits)
    Ref.: 900LM-26
    Contactless smart card reader and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, mini-mullion. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and INDALA® 125 KHz Wiegand 26 bits proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RMLK40 Reader [925L]
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RMLK40 Reader
    Ref.: 925L
    Contactless smart card and magstripe reader, with keypad. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, and INDALA® 125 KHz proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® multiCLASS™ SE RMPK40 Reader [925P]
    HID® multiCLASS™ SE RMPK40 Reader
    Ref.: 925P
    Contactless smart card and magstripe reader, with keypad. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, and HID®/EM/AWID 125 KHz proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® iCLASS™ SE RMK40 Reader [925]
    HID® iCLASS™ SE RMK40 Reader
    Ref.: 925
    Contactless smart card and magstripe reader, with keypad. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™. Supports high and low coercitivity, tracks 1 or 2. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RMLK40 Reader [922L]
    INDALA® multiCLASS™ SE RMLK40 Reader
    Ref.: 922L
    Contactless smart card and magstripe reader with keypad. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, and INDALA® 125 KHz proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® multiCLASS™ SE RMPK40 Reader [922P]
    HID® multiCLASS™ SE RMPK40 Reader
    Ref.: 922P
    Contactless smart card and magstripe reader with keypad. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, and HID®/EM/AWID 125 KHz proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® iCLASS™ SE RM40 Reader [922]
    HID® iCLASS™ SE RM40 Reader
    Ref.: 922
    Contactless smart card and magstripe reader. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™. Supports high and low coercitivity, tracks 1 or 2. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® iCLASS™ SE Decor™ Reader (13.56 MHz) [95A]
    HID® iCLASS™ SE Decor™ Reader (13.56 MHz)
    Ref.: 95A
    Contactless smart card. Finished Square reader (the same size as a standard luminary switch) Also interoperable with a growing range of 13,56Mhz (iCLASS™, SEOS™, iCLASS™ SE, iCLASS™, MIFARE®, MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 standardand NFC, with custom data models) technologies.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® iCLASS™ SE R90 Reader - Generic [940]
    HID® iCLASS™ SE R90 Reader - Generic
    Ref.: 940
    Long range contactless smart card reader. Interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™. Wiegand and OSDP output protocol. Ideal for vehicle access control. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® multiCLASS™ RPK40 Mobile Reader - Generic [921PM]
    HID® multiCLASS™ RPK40 Mobile Reader - Generic
    Ref.: 921PM
    Contactless smart card reader with keypad and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE, and HID®/EM/AWID 125 KHz proximity. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
    HID® iCLASS™ RK40 Mobile Reader - Generic [921NM]
    HID® iCLASS™ RK40 Mobile Reader - Generic
    Ref.: 921NM
    Contactless smart card reader with keypad and HID® Mobile Access™. Finished reader, US / EU / Asia Square. Also interoperable with a growing range of technologies (iCLASS® Seos™, iCLASS® SE, standard iCLASS®, MIFARE®, and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 with custom data models) and form factors including mobile devices utilizing Seos™, like NFC and BLE. End of production on 30-SEP-2023. Supply until end of stock at HID. End of life cycle on 31-MAR-2024.
    V.A.T. included
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